5 Tips To Prepare And Write The IELTS Essays

In the writing section of the IELTS Academic test, the candidate should write two forms of essays. The writing section is divided into two parts, each the parts would have to be finished within 60 minutes. Writing Task 1 is the first part, the candidate is given a task based on some information presented in a graphic and diagrammatic form and it is important to draft a report of not more than 150 words on the given information. In Writing Task 2, candidates are assessed on their ability to create a logical and factual argument on a given topic in a neatly written essay of not exceeding 250 words. The essay purposely projects your writing style, it is an important factor that shows you’re able to think in English. A well-drafted essay writing begins when you are well-versed in language skills. Get engage in daily grammar practice and learn new words every day and get proper training from IELTS Training centres in Kochi, so you’ll be able to write a great essay on the test.

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IELTS GENERAL TRAINING also constitutes of 2 parts to the writing section but it may vary from the academic module. General Training Writing Task 1 needs candidates to write a letter based on the topic or situation described in the task. Writing Task 2 is an essay based on a given topic. The word count is the same as it is for the academic writing task 1 and 2. You may get asked different types of essays in IELTS Writing Task 2. Including Opinion Essay, Argumentative Essay, Advantages/Disadvantages Essay, Problem & Solution Essay and mixed Essay. With your sense, you have to identify the type of essay asked and write your response accordingly. You have to use your skills, experience and examples while answering.

The evaluating criteria for highlighting both the Academic and the General are by and large the same. IELTS examiners would be highly interested in the Content, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar are the areas of assessment.

1. You need to analyze and brainstorm different essay topics so that you have various ideas on IELTS-type questions. You could procure the essay question types from the Internet.

2. After intricating for ideas, you would have to plan the writing of the essay. It’s better, to begin with introducing the topic and establishing your point of view on the subject. Include some examples in the introductory paragraph. The sub following paragraphs will contain an elaboration of the examples mentioned in the introductory paragraph.

3. It is always good to use an argumentative style of writing to spruce up the essay. It is important to use certain words and phrases such as although/while; despite the fact, it would be argued etc.

4. Academic Task 1 is about understanding graphics information. It’s effective to work and analyze the pie charts or bar diagrams or tables of information presented in newspaper or business articles. Alternatively, you can draw a pie chart to show what percentage of time you spend on the following activities in an average week.

5. Depending on the purpose of the letter, in writing task 1 of the general training module, the candidate writes a formal or informal letter. The instructions provided along with the task gives you the path to write about. This is followed by 3 bulleted points which help you to organize the content of your letter.

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